High school Seniors all over the Albany’s Capital Region are getting ready to say goodbye to their home towns, and head off to college in  just a few short months!  I have frequently posted about the importance of celebrating this time in your child’s life with portraits!  Their “Senior Pictures” are ones that often find their way into frames, and remain on display in their parent’s home for years, and years to come.  When we, or our parents look back at these images, they can bring us right back to that time in our lives – our fashion, our style, the current hair trends (which you may wonder why you ever thought cutting your hair like that was a good idea ) …. basically they should remind anyone who sees it of YOU at that point in your life!

So hear it comes… yes I know you’ve heard it before… but honestly – how does a black drape, or jacket with a shirt and tie tell anything about you or your child?  Well it just doesn’t.  I love when parents realize how important it is to use a photographer, outside of the contracted yearbook studio,  to really capture their child.

Before a High School Senior session – we’ll talk about your interests/hobbies and fashion/style and match up backgrounds that will work with them!  It’s fun to change into your favorite outfits – grab those awesome shoes you can’t live without, snuggle with your pet, and take some incredible photos!

This beautiful young lady is getting ready to head down south this fall.    She’s an Equestrain, with pretty impressive skills!  On a full ride, she’ll certainly be busy this fall!  Although you don’t see the horses she currently rides in these photos – the plan is to do a second shoot dedicated to just that in the very near future.  Horses are such majestic creatures – I can only imagine what we will capture during that session 🙂