I met Mindy and Nick over a year ago to chat about their wedding – they struck me as an easy going couple, that just wanted to really enjoy their wedding, and have images that documented that.   On their beautiful day, they stayed true to that exact sweet couple I met.   Big smiles, genuine thanks, and easy to work with!

NMblog8NMblog9I met up with Mindy, her bridesmaids and family, at her parents home in Troy.   Final makeup touches for the bride, and everyone else was getting dressed.  Mindy’s grandparents were there – smiles beaming across their faces.  I think I’ll always have a soft spot for those relationships.   I can clearly remember my grandparent involvement in my own wedding day.   As I generally do – I asked for shoes, accessories etc. to go photograph.   It warmed my heart to have her grandmother show me the white hankie, and to watch her open a beautiful blue velvet box which contained a set of pearls that Mindy would wear.  Her pearls.   The coin – a family tradition for luck.NMblog14NMblog15The girls all looked gorgeous.   Her two sisters dressed in a light purple, the other stunning ladies in a deeper shade.   Her niece, the flower girl.  We snapped a few quick images before I packed up to head to the church and meet up with Nick.

NMblog4Nick, along with his groomsmen, were already at the church.  Striking grey tuxes – splashed with purple to compliment the ladies.  A few quick shots of the fellas before setting up for the ceremony.

NMblog5As mentioned, the weather that day was beautiful.  Bright sunny skies lit up the church perfectly for their ceremony.   Mindy elegantly walked down the isle with her father – a gorgeous, gorgeous bride ready to marry her groom.

NMblog2The mass was personal, and heartfelt.   You can always tell when  couple and their family has a connection to the ceremony site, and officiant.

NMblog3The next stop was Pat’s Barn, located in the Rensselaer Technology Park in Troy, for the reception.  I simply love this venue!  Rustic charm,  as much of the barn was constructed with wood from the original structure.   Cocktail hour on the patio, and inside for the reception.   Dancing, toasts, and celebrating with Mindy and Nick!  Congratulations again to you both – it was my honor to be there with you on your wedding day!
